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Antibiotics for prostatitis in men: which are effective and can you take them yourself

However, like any medication, antibiotics for prostatitis can harm the body, and their uncontrolled use can lead to a number of complications. Take them or not – It is not a personal matter, but a specific and strictly prescribed by the doctor with an established diagnosis.

– Before prescribing treatment of chronic prostatitis or its relapse, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient, – says к.м.н. Sergey Tverdokhleb. – The etiology of the disease varies, and only with a confirmed diagnosis «bacterial chronic prostatitis» It is possible to prescribe antibiotics in conjunction with other drugs. But even this is not enough: there are many groups of antibiotic drugs, and to be sure of the effectiveness of treatment, you must first establish the type of pathogen, as well as check the body for resistance to a particular type of antibiotics.

The most common pathogens are bacteria such as E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacteria, Enterococci. In addition to bacterial pathogens, fungal, parasitic and viral pathogens can occur. In addition to nonspecific flora in the development of chronic prostatitis may involve STD pathogens – Gonococci, trichomonads, chlamydia, urea- and mycoplasmas, etc.

Infection enters the prostate gland in the following ways:

  • urethrogenic – The ascending (through the urethra) and descending (when infected urine flows out of the bladder) pathways;

Can self-treatment with antibiotics for prostatitis

Self-treatment – This is a completely wrong approach to your own health. Antibiotics – are not vitamins, moreover – Vitamins can also cause damage to the body if taken in the wrong dosage.

Improperly chosen antibiotics for prostatitis may bring temporary relief, reducing the overall inflammatory process. But the main danger is that they will provoke resistance of microorganisms to antibiotic therapy. Pathogenic microbial flora will become more resistant to antibiotics, the treatment of the inflammatory process caused by it is much more difficult and longer.

First of all, it is necessary to identify the main infectious agents, and then prescribe that etiotropic antibacterial therapy, which will affect them. This is done after a number of tests: the secret of the prostate gland, semen, blood is taken. Independently determine which causative agent caused the inflammatory process, no man is able to. In addition, a mixed infection is possible – The presence of more than 3 microorganisms at a time, and several types of antibiotics will be needed for treatment. Moreover, the cause of prostatitis or its recurrence may not have a bacterial basis, in which case antibiotics are contraindicated.