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Tools used to treat acne

Antibacterial drugs for acne rapes are appointed if they are caused by the infectious damage to the skin. Antibiotics destroy conditionally–Pathogenic microorganisms that are one of the reasons for acne.

It is important to use the right medication for your specific problem. For example, you might have to use an anti-inflammatory medication or antibiotic for a cystic acne, but not an antibiotic for acne caused by a bacteria.

Antibiotics are prescribed inside with a lesion of a large skin area (face, back, shoulders, chest), when gunnocks are dominated in the clinical picture and when the treatment of acne raishes only external means inefficiently. Treatment of acne with antibiotics is carried out for a long time. With insufficient treatment efficiency, antibiotic therapy courses are prescribed. However, it should be remembered that drugs from this group are not effective at acne caused by hormonal restructuring, improper work of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Antibiotics Used inside in combination with local therapy with medium and severe severity of acne. Apply antibacterial drugs inside in the form of tablets and capsules. For the treatment of acne, the antibiotics of the tetracycline group are often used Minocycline and Doxycycline Due to their high antimicrobial activity, rapid suction and intensive accumulation in sebaceous glands.

Important! Preparations Tetracycline cause a change in the color of the teeth, the enamel hypoplasia and the growth of the bones of the fetal skeleton and the child, so they can not be used to children under 8.

Doxycycline monohydrat prescribed inside in complex therapy with severe acne, applying 100 mg per day for 6–12 weeks. Minocycline — A semi-synthetic antibiotic from a group of tetracyclines, produced in capsules 50 and 100 mg. It is a highly efficient drug for treating a medium degree papuo–Pustile inflammatory acne. When taking the daily dose for children over 8 years old, 4 mg / kg, then 2 mg / kg every 12 hours., For adults — 100–200 mg. From the group of macrolides are used inside the antibiotic Erythromycin 0.25 g and Josamamicin 0.25–0.5 g 4 times a day, for 10–14 days. Lincomycin Apply 0.124 g 1–2 times a day during or immediately after eating. Clindamycin is used until the clinical effect is achieved every 6 hour. 450 mg, course of therapy — 2 weeks.

Important! Acne treatment with the help of system antibiotics implies their long-term (at least a month). During this period, intestinal dysbiosis and vagina can develop, sustainable skin and skin microflora. Other complications from the reception of antibiotics are ulcerative lesions of the esophagus or stomach, softening the nail plates (onicholysis), the appearance of hyperpigmentation on the skin and nails and T.D. It is necessary to take into account the interaction of antibiotics with other drugs so that their effect does not change. Prolonged or no effect elusion of treatment usually cancel antibiotic and prescribe drugs retinoids.

Less commonly used in the treatment of acne drugs sulfa group. Sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim + — combined antimicrobial broad-spectrum — It contains.trimethoprim enhances the effect of sulfamethoxazole. The drug is prescribed: for children from 3 to 6 years — 240 mg orally two times a day; children older than 6 years and adults — 480 mg orally (course — ten–14 days, increased to 1 month if necessary). To avoid crystalluria (appearance of salt crystals in the urine, which are deposited in the glomeruli and precipitate) to wash down the tablet is necessary alkaline mineral water glass of 1. Crystalluria able to injure the kidney and urinary tract tissue and cause inflammation, to prevent it is recommended to maintain adequate urine output.

A synthetic analogue of vitamin A Isotretinoin refers to natural (physiological) retinoids, stereoisomer trans–Retinoic acid. The advantage of this drug is the impact on all mechanisms of acne (increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands, hyperkeratosis follicular, reproduction of microorganisms, inflammation). It is used in severe forms of nodule-cystic vulgar acne or vulgar eases that are not denominated by other types of therapy. Assign Isotretinoin inside, during meals, starting treatment with 400–500 mg / kg weight per day, then distributing the daily dosage of 2 receptions; The duration of treatment is from 4 to 6 months. If necessary, during treatment, the dosage can be increased to 2 mg / kg weight per day.

Isotretinoin (Accuthet) Produced in capsules containing 10, 20 mg Isotretinoin, It has an anti-inflammatory, keratolytic and anti-referential effect, inhibits terminal differentiation of keratinocytes, stimulates regeneration processes. Prescribed inside in the form of capsules with 0.1 mg / kg every day, course — from 4 months to year. Endogenous concentrations of retinoids are restored by about 2 weeks after the end of receiving the drug. When recurring it is possible to conduct a re-course of treatment in the same daily and cumulative dose. Re-course are prescribed no earlier than 8 weeks after the first. Intervals between repeated courses — 1–2 months. Joint admission with tetracycline or glucocorticosteroid glucocorticosteroids reduces isotretinine pharmacological efficiency.

In the treatment of acne, women may combine the external treatment and reception of hormonal contraceptives with antidrogenic effects. Preparations with antidrogenic effect are most well studied and obtained distribution in the form of combined estrogen–Gestagon oral contraceptives. Antiandroins suppress the effect of androgens by the blockade of androgen receptors, or by influencing the androgen metabolism. When the drugs are used, which includes the third-generation gestages with antidrogenic effect, decreases testosterone production in the ovaries, decreases the formation of active testosterone due to the enzyme inhibition of 5–alpha–Redcatase and liver enhanced Education Globulin, which binds free testosterone in the blood.

Important! This type of acne therapy is applicable only in women after 30 years and after a thorough survey at the gynecologist–Endocrinologist. When applied Combined contraceptives often occur by side effects:Increased weight, nausea, diseases of the mammary glands, skin pigmentation, fluid delay in the body, edema legs, increasing risk of vessel thrombosis. The risk factors for the development of side effects include smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, vascular diseases. In the treatment of acne, it is necessary to keep in mind that the simultaneous use of combined contraceptives and antibiotics reduces the effect of contraception.

The choice of acne therapy determines only the doctor–Dermatologist and the result of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the duration of the course treatment. Do not try to treat yourself, there is a risk of deterioration of the state, the occurrence of exacerbation or resumption of acne, after treatment.