Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) — These terms refer to getting infections through any sexual act (vaginal, oral, anal) or directly through the blood.
Infections, mainly sexually transmitted, in domestic medicine are usually classified in the group of venereal diseases (CYPHILIS, GONOREA, CHLAMIDIOSIS, MICOPLASOM, URIPLASMOZ and other STD diseases)
Nowadays, in the minds of people, the worst sexually transmitted and blood borne infections are – HIV and hepatitis. And many people mistakenly think that sexually transmitted diseases (in classical sense) are not so terrible and you can cure them by yourself by searching on the Internet for a treatment plan or by finding «a suitable» medication in the pharmacy.
Self-treatment and treatment on the Internet
Self-Medication – Modern medicine is the bane of our time, although this phenomenon is quite understandable. Public medicine – Repulsive because of its indifference and red tape, and many people simply do not trust private clinics, fearing «of empty pumping of money for non-existent diseases», hence the flowering of self-medication. But if, by taking a pill for a headache on the advice of a pharmacist or forum, without proper examination, a person is only making things worse for himself, then trying to treat venereal diseases on his own – he puts those around him in danger.
Treatment of gonorrhea
Symptoms of gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is the most common sexually transmitted disease. Caused by gonococci (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) — Gram-negative diplococci.
For both men and women, the symptoms of acute gonorrhea are almost identical:
- Purulent or mucopurulent discharge from the urethra and
- Itching, burning in the external genital area, including when urinating. (Men have frequent urges.)
- Pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia);
- Lower abdominal discomfort or pain.
- Swelling of the genitals
When the anorectal area is affected in both sexes symptoms are not so pronounced, symptoms may be observed:
- Itching, burning sensation in the anus
- Painfulness on defecation
- Purulent, mucous, or bloody discharge from the rectum
- Redness or swelling of the anus
If the oropharynx is affected (gonococcal pharyngitis):
- A feeling of dryness in the oropharynx;
- Pain that increases when swallowing;
- Hoarseness of voice.
- Redness and swelling of the oropharyngeal mucosa and tonsils with film-like deposits.
In gonococcal eye infection – Soreness, swelling, redness, lacrimation, and purulent discharge from the affected eye.
For all the seeming simplicity of identifying gonorrhea – The same symptoms can occur with fungal infections, herpes, pelvic tumors, and cysts. Therefore, to make a diagnosis requires an examination by a dermatovenerologist, swabbing, in some cases – blood test.
If you don’t see a doctor or self-treat, gonorrhea becomes chronic or hidden.
Gonorrhea is not a bacteria that the body can fight on its own, but since the immune system still works, the symptoms of untreated gonorrhea are blurred. As time passes, a person already begins to forget the acute discomfort that gonorrhea brought him at the beginning of the disease, and periodically appearing burning, rubbing, discharge from the genitals are perceived as «as a manifestation of some kind of dysbacteriosis», While the disease continues to do its harm to the body.

Menstrual cycle disorders
Women may experience menstrual irregularities, tubal obstruction – Further infertility, chronic pain during intercourse. In men – Testicular inflammation, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, decreased sperm quality. Bladder inflammation – In both sexes.
In chronic anorectal gonorrhea – Inflammatory bowel phenomena, chronic constipation, intestinal necrosis.
In the chronic course of oropharyngeal gonorrhea – Gonococci may lead to pneumonia, brain inflammation, endocarditis, and pericarditis – Inflammation of the inner and serous membranes of the heart, and liver damage.
Uncontrolled use of drugs, in the wrong dosage, can lead to a hidden form of gonorrhea – Possibly asymptomatic. The consequences of the hidden form are the same as the chronic form, only the treatment of the hidden form of gonorrhea is even more difficult because of the possible immunity to antibacterial drugs.
Symptoms of syphilis
Syphilis – is a serious infectious disease. Pale treponema is mainly sexually transmitted, and affects the skin, mucous membranes, nervous system, and musculoskeletal system.
According to official statistical reports, the overall incidence of syphilis is decreasing, while the number of detected tertiary, neurosyphilis, late latent syphilis is increasing.
Primary syphilis – Is characterized by the formation of an ulcer at the site of infection (genital organs, anus, oral cavity, any other area of the body that has come into contact with the infection).
The ulcer may last 2 to 4 weeks and then completely goes away. The person begins to think that everything is normal and that the ulcer is not due to infection. After a period of time (a month or two), the body may develop a rash – this is a sign of secondary syphilis.
The rash can also go away on its own, and for some time (even a few years) a person won’t be bothered by anything at all, but the pale treponema – is very insidious and, hiding in the depths of the body, it begins to affect the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. The patient begins to have symptoms that can least speak of syphilis, he fights for years with no result against the disease, the cause of which was the pale treponema – Syphilis, in this case already tertiary syphilis.
The symptoms described above – classical. Currently, due to the uncontrolled administration of various antiviral and antibacterial drugs for «prophylactic purpose from colds», Consumption of products containing antibiotics, – The symptomatology of primary, and even secondary syphilis is highly distorted.
Again, late treatment of latent syphilis and neurosyphilis (with lesions of the nervous system) has been increasing in recent years. This is due to the irresponsible attitude of people toward themselves and their environment, and, past experience – The threat of long, exhausting treatment, fear of publicity. People silently tolerate the passing symptoms of syphilis, search for treatment on the Internet, snag the primary manifestations with antibiotics and drive the disease deep, making a complete cure very difficult, and sometimes not possible.
The current treatment for syphilis Antibiotics are mostly used for the treatment of syphilis – 5th generation antibiotics (strictly prescribed by the physician), with mandatory sensitivity testing and it is no longer necessary to push them several times a day for a month. the treatment can be anonymous and outpatient – This is not in conflict with the law and medical protocols.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Remember!
If you have any discomfort in the genital area (dripping, burning, rashes) consult a dermatovenerologist. Paying for a consultation with a specialist, you will save money on unnecessary tests, which have become so fashionable to prescribe yourself, which you, if you have no medical knowledge, are unlikely to understand, and save money on drugs, which «prescribed by» The pharmacist will prescribe it to you.
If you have one regular sex partner and even if you are not bothered by anything – Test your blood once a year for the 4 obligatory infections (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis), and a pap smear.
If you are sexually active, you like variety in sexual relations, whether you use condoms or not, even if you have no symptoms – Blood test for the 4 obligatory infections (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis), and a smear on the flora – At least once every 6 months.